With a background in client services, Mario leverages his training and experience to facilitate the effective management of successful municipal bond financings for a variety of governmental and other clients.
J.D., University of Colorado School of Law, Law Review
Mario concentrates his practice in the area of municipal finance, acting primarily as bond counsel and disclosure counsel for various Colorado local governments and other entities on infrastructure projects of all sizes—from utilities and economic development to major infrastructure and urban renewal projects. For nearly two decades, he has represented Colorado public entities of varying sizes on various financings structures—including but not limited to general obligation bonds, revenue bonds (including TIFs), certificates of participation and lease purchase financings—ranging in scale from $450,000 to over $450,000,000.
"Tax Reform Proposals Affect Municipal Bonds," CML Newsletter (Vol. 38, No. 25), December 14, 2012, (co-author)
Speaking Engagements
“Financing Strategies, Park County Case Study,” Colorado Government Finance Officers Association, 2017 (panelist)
“New SEC Rules: Should You Register as a Municipal Adviser? Are Your Disclosures in Compliance?” Colorado Municipal League Annual Seminar for Municipal Law, 2014 (panel moderator)
Bond counsel to a county for the issuance of $163 million of refunding and improvement certificates of participation
Bond counsel to an urban renewal authority in connection with its issuance of over $17million of state sales tax revenue bonds in a first of its kind offering
Bond counsel to a city in issuance of over $22 million of taxable Build America Bonds
Bond counsel to a school district in a $29.5 million offering of general obligation improvement and refunding bonds
Bond Counsel to a fire protection district issuing over $30 million of general obligation bonds
Bond counsel to a state in issuance of $150 million of tax and revenue anticipation notes
Assisted a water district with a $29 million bond offering as part of a multi-year finance plan involving approximately $60 million of tax-exempt bonds
Bond counsel to a county in connection with $17.5 million of certificates of participation in a lease
Bond counsel to an urban renewal authority in connection with the issuance of over $15 million of taxable and tax-exempt revenue bonds
Special counsel to a municipal water utility in connection with a $25 million loan from the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority
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