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Kutak Rock Serves as Bond Counsel for the All Saints Apartments Project

News | September 25, 2023


Kutak Rock served as Bond Counsel to the City and County of Denver, Colorado, in connection with its issuance of not to exceed $11,000,000 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (All Saints Apartments) Series 2023.  The proceeds of the Series 2023 Bonds will be used to finance a portion of the cost of the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a four-story 63-unit “low-and middle-income” affordable multifamily housing facility located in the Harvey Park neighborhood at 2595 South Federal Boulevard in the City and County of Denver, Colorado 80219. 

The Project will be known as All Saints Apartments.  “Low-and middle-income” families and persons means with respect to the Project households that earn less than 30% of the area median income (12 of the units in the Project will be reserved for such households); 40% of the area median income (5 of the units in the Project will be reserved for such households); 50% of the area median income (12 of the units in the Project will be reserved for such households); and 60% of the area median income (34 of the units in the Project will be reserved for such households).  The Project will serve residents who are 62 years and older.

Fred Marienthal, John Bales and Jack McGill worked on this financing.