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Kutak Rock a “Ceiling Smasher” Law Firm for Women Partners

News - Inclusive Engagement | October 21, 2020

Once again, Kutak Rock has earned the title “Ceiling Smasher” among U.S. law firms for its outstanding record of promoting women attorneys to equity partnership, according to a report from Law360. The report states that, industry-wide, while women may be promoted to partner, they are less likely to be equity partners. Kutak Rock ranked fourth among law firms with 251-600 attorneys with 28.2% of its equity partners being women, and eighth among firms with over 250 attorneys.

Women currently comprise 31% of Kutak Rock’s equity partners and 32% of its partnership. Compared to national averages of 20.4% and 24.4%, it is clear that Kutak Rock’s ongoing support of diversity and inclusiveness is paying off. In addition, the firm is well above benchmarks and national averages in all areas related to women in leadership, including percentage of women serving on governance committees and as heads of offices.

This steady approach has earned the firm numerous awards and accolades, including Mansfield Plus Certification and Gold Level Certification from the Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF). The firm is particularly proud that it was one of only four firms to meet WILEF’s benchmark of 4% or more LGBT women equity partners, and one of only six firms achieving the benchmark of 10% or more women of color equity partners.

According to Jill Goldstein, chair of the firm’s Women’s Initiative, “Our focus is on equity and, as a result, we have long sought and addressed systemic barriers to equity for marginalized groups.” The firm’s Women’s Initiative hosts quarterly meetings; in the months between the quarterly meetings, women attorneys meet in small groups led by women attorneys who currently serve on the firm’s various committees. The Initiative also hosts a networking session during the firm’s general partnership meeting. These all are opportunities for women attorneys to network, mentor and learn, and share upcoming conference and CLE opportunities.

Since Kutak Rock opened its doors in 1965, the firm’s culture has embraced diversity and equality in the legal profession, making strategic efforts to hire women attorneys. Law360 attributes Ceiling Smashers’ success to specific kinds of efforts—ones that Kutak Rock has been making for most of its existence.

For a comprehensive picture of Kutak Rock’s Inclusiveness and Diversity efforts, please view our most recent Annual Report.