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Saundra Wootton Earns LACBA Outstanding Committee Service Award

News - Inclusive Engagement | June 18, 2019

Litigation partner Saundra Wootton has been awarded the Patricia Phillips Outstanding Committee Service Award by the Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA). The award is named after the first woman president of the Association, who has made extraordinary contributions to improving the administration of justice in Los Angeles County.

In addition to her thriving civil litigation practice, Ms. Wootton dedicates her time as a member of LACBA’s Diversity in the Profession Committee. She has been actively assisting LACBA with its efforts to promote diversity and inclusion at all levels in the legal profession by advancing LACBA’s invitation to all legal employers to adopt its “Pledge to Promote Diversity,” which provides more than 25 steps law firms can take.

Ms. Wootton has also participated in the coordination, facilitation and/or presentation of collaborative legal educational programs and many pipeline mentoring programs facilitated by LACBA’s Diversity in the Profession Committee, Southwestern Law School and/or the National Conference of Puerto Rican Women.

“Out of some 18 active committees and hundreds of members, Saundra stood out with her creative ideas, leadership and voluminous pro bono hours,” said Philip Lam, LACBA Diversity Officer. “We all know of her dedicated service as a former Diversity in the Profession Committee Chair and tireless works in current years.”

At Kutak Rock, Ms. Wootton is a member of the firm’s Women’s Initiative and the pro bono committee.