Kutak Rock attorney Marc Lieberman, a partner in the firm’s Scottsdale office, spoke at the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys (NAPPA) Legal Education Conference on June 25, 2015 in Austin, Texas. The workshop focused on how the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) monitors the private fund arena and how public plans can respond.
Lieberman moderated the workshop, “Funds, Fees and Affiliates (Oh, My!)—SEC OCIE’s Examination of the Private Fund World (What They Found and what it Means for Public Plans),” with James Van Horn Jr, a partner at Hirschler Fleischer, PC. The presentation discussed the SEC OCIE examination of private funds results; fee allocations, affiliate compensation, disclosure and transparency; private fund managers’ duties under the Advisers Act; expanding roles of fund administrators vs. auditors; and independent debt monitors.
Lieberman is chair of the firm’s public pensions and alternative investments group. He serves as investment counsel to numerous public pension plans, including the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System, the Elected Official’s Retirement Plan and the Corrections Officer Retirement Plan.