Making Progress
Every year, Kutak Rock focuses on training, community, and leadership to help promote a nurturing culture of inclusion at the firm. We proudly display our achievements and badges as a reflection of support for our diverse employees and clients. We continue to move forward to effect meaningful and longstanding positive changes throughout the firm and our related communities.

Equality 100 Award: Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion

DFA Award
Kutak Rock was recognized by The Diversity and Flexibility Alliance with a “Tipping the Scales” Award
Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index
Human Rights Campaign (HRC) awarded Kutak Rock LLP its highest score of 100 on its 2025 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) for the eighth year in a row. The HRC CEI is the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices impacting LGBTQ employees. Earning a score of 100 distinguishes Kutak Rock as a recipient of the “Equality 100 Award: Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion” (formerly referred to as “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality”). Since opening in 1965, Kutak Rock’s culture has embraced diversity and equality in the legal profession. Kutak Rock has reinforced its decades-long commitment to LGBTQ+ rights through its inclusive Equal Employment Opportunity policy, the extension of equal benefits to all employees—including transgender employees and LGBTQ+ employees in domestic partnerships—and the work of the firm’s LGBTQIA + Allies Affinity Group to provide networking, engagement and educational opportunities.
Investment in Diversity
In December 2021, Kutak Rock was awarded U.S. Bank Law Division’s “Invested in Diversity” Award, which recognizes one of the Law Division’s preferred law firms for advancing diversity in the legal profession. Jim Chosy, U.S. Bank’s senior executive vice president and general counsel, cited four specific areas that earned Kutak Rock this recognition: the development of a Large Legal Anti-Bias, Anti-Racism (LLABAR) seminar in conjunction with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training; the firm’s successive three-year DEI strategic plans; percentage of women lawyers; and year-over-year growth of the number of diverse partners.
Bloomberg Law Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Framework
Kutak Rock was named to Bloomberg Law’s inaugural Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Framework in November 2021. We were one of only 28 U.S.-based law firms recognized for our level of disclosure of diversity-related metrics and distinguished performance against six core pillars: demographics, leadership and talent pipeline, recruitment and retention, business innovation and strategy, marketing, and diversity & inclusion in the community. Of particular note, Kutak Rock scored 20 points above the average score in Leadership & Talent Pipeline.
Law360 Ceiling Smasher
Law360 named Kutak Rock one of the best law firms for women partners in its 2020 Glass Ceiling Report. Viewed as a national benchmark for gender parity, the report named Kutak Rock a “Ceiling Smasher” for placing fourth among firms with 251-600 attorneys nationally. Women comprise 31% of Kutak Rock’s equity partners and 32% of its partnership compared to national averages of 20.4% and 24.4%. In addition, the firm is well above benchmarks and national averages in all areas related to women in leadership, including percentage of women serving on governance committees and as heads of offices.
Diversity Lab’s Mansfield Rule 3.0
Long before the Mansfield Rule, Kutak Rock was collecting annual data about the diversity of candidates and hires for various positions and ensuring its nominations processes were equitable. In 2020, the first year Kutak Rock filled out Mansfield’s self-reporting form, the Firm not only achieved 100% of Mansfield’s certification requirements for considering 30% diverse candidates, it also was “Certified Plus” for hiring and promoting over 30% diverse individuals to various roles. The Firm continues to conduct internal audits and exceed standards set by Mansfield, including achieving over 50% diversity in Firm management and governance groups.
DFA Award
Kutak Rock was recognized by The Diversity and Flexibility Alliance with a “Tipping the Scales” Award for having 50% or more women in its 2020 new partner class. In fact, 55% of the 30 new partners were women, as announced in January. Kutak Rock was among 46 law firms to receive the award at the Nov. 6 2020 Diversity and Flexibility Alliance’s Annual Meeting, where firm Chair Jay Selanders was a speaker.
“With a national average of only 40.9% new partners in 2020 being women, there’s clearly more work to be done to achieve parity in the legal industry,” said Mr. Selanders. “We’re proud of our firm’s legacy of hiring, promoting, and supporting women attorneys, and we congratulate the other ‘scale tippers’ for their efforts toward this worthy goal.”
WILEF Certification
The Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF) recertified Kutak Rock in 2022 as a Gold Standard firm for ongoing high percentages of women who are equity partners, hold high-level leadership positions, serve on governance and compensation committees, and identify as LGBTQ.
As of 2022, one-third of the firm’s partners are women, and 30% are equity partners. Five out of eight of the firm’s regional offices are managed by female partners, eight out of 14 positions on the Executive Committee are held by women, and the firm's vice chair is a woman.
One of the things I liked the most about Kutak Rock when I joined the firm seven years ago was its commitment to inclusiveness and diversity, including supporting and promoting women. Our consistently high percentage of women partners is just one of many indicators that we’re succeeding in recruiting, mentoring, supporting, and promoting women in law.- Debra Thompson, Managing partner of the Atlanta office and member of the firm’s Executive Committee